The Vardiola islet is a block of ocher and red granite rising from navy blue water on the southern shore of the immense Gulf of Porto. The dive is done from the islet along the left hand until reaching its end. While continuing & nbsp; in the same direction, you cross a sandy valley, about 20 m deep. On the other side, the lift is very cut and behind it is the dive!

Descend for 32 m, in a garden of clear sand enclosed between two rock walls, wonderfully decorated. You have to do a 180 degree to taste the delights of this exploration. From 26 m, the rocky drop offs are covered with a delicate Red Coral forest!

Under the beam of a powerful lighthouse, we are witnessing a vermilion red explosion. Well powered by a light current, the Coral is flowered with millions of small white stars. It’s magical…

But the dive is not over. Continuing towards the facing wall, we discover a huge vertical fault that rises in chimney a few meters from the surface. Looking up, you can see two large blocks that are stuck in the narrow bottleneck. Often, an interminable school of Saupes comes to play the “& nbsp; stars & nbsp;” twinkling against the light in the fireplace…

Small video of Vardiola: